Building Healthy Habits

Tips for establishing sustainable habits that'll last a lifetime.

Article by Krissy Nevero | March 29, 2024

As the new year is well underway, and resolutions set for the new year may be waning, it’s an opportune moment to delve into the topic of establishing sustainable habits.

Habits are the building blocks of our daily lives, influencing our actions, choices, and ultimately, our wellbeing. Whether big or small, habits shape our routines and play a significant role in achieving our goals. By focusing on small, consistent actions, we pave the way for significant and sustainable results.

The link between healthy habits and overall well-being is undeniable. Physical health, mental clarity and emotional balance are all influenced by the choices we make daily. Cultivating healthy habits is not just about reaching a goal; it’s about creating a lifestyle that enhances every aspect of our lives.

So, what are the secrets to building sustainable healthy habits?

Commit to one thing at a time. It’s easy to start a habit, then after a few days decide to add another, and another, but this will make it all the more difficult to stick to your original goal. Don’t underestimate the amount of focus and effort it takes to actually stick to a new habit! Before you continue any further down this journey, make a mental note that you WILL NOT add additional goals to your primary objective.

Focus on starting. When it comes to making a change in any element of your life, the only part you need to focus on in the beginning is STARTING. Maybe you want to run a marathon? That’s likely not where you’re going to start. At the beginning it’s less about the results and more about forming the habit. Consider a good starting point. 

Start small. Begin your journey by incorporating small changes. Consider what you want to accomplish, then think about a way to simplify it so that it’s so easy you would have a hard time NOT doing it. For example, say your goal is to start doing an hour of yoga every day. Maybe you start with doing three yoga poses a day. The goal, in the beginning, is to just get into the habit of DOING the thing (in this case, yoga) each day. Then you can build from there. 

Create a routine. Embed new habits into your existing daily routine. I like the concept of habit stacking. You can do this by identifying a daily action or habit that you already engage in and add your new habit before or after it. Capitalizing on a structure that already exists, rather than starting something completely new, makes it easier to remember and can help these habits become ingrained in your lifestyle.

Be consistent. When implementing a new habit, consistency is important. It’s okay to skip a day – but try not to skip two. Once a habit is solidly ingrained in your routine, you’ll be able to take a few days off then jump back on the horse. But in the beginning, you should avoid skipping more than a day at a time.

Overcoming Challenges in Habit Formation 

While the road to forming new habits is exciting, it’s not without its challenges. Understanding and overcoming obstacles is crucial for long-term success.

Address common obstacles. While you’re in the beginning stages of creating change, take steps to restructure your environment so that you’re less tempted to fall back into old ways. Identify potential challenges such as time constraints or resistance to change. Knowing these hurdles in advance allows you to develop strategies to overcome them.

Adaptability and resilience. Habits may face setbacks, but the key is resilience. Learn from setbacks, adapt your approach, and stay committed to the bigger picture. Try to withhold judgment. Progress isn’t linear, and real change can be a long and sometimes trying journey.

Maintaining Healthy Habits for the Long Term

Building healthy habits is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. Consistency and long-term success go hand in hand.

Focus on enjoyment. Choose habits that align with your interests and preferences. When you enjoy what you’re doing, it becomes easier to stay committed over the long haul.

Build a supportive environment. Surround yourself with people and settings that foster your desired habits. A supportive environment can make the journey more enjoyable and sustainable.

Accountability. Consider working with a coach or having an accountability partner. Someone who shares your goals can be a valuable source of support and motivation.

Celebrating progress and success. Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognizing progress is a powerful motivator that fuels your commitment to maintaining healthy habits.

Be mindful. Notice if you’re engaging in negative self-talk, starting to avoid your new habit, dread it, or feel like quitting, pay attention to these feelings. Practice shifting the blame off of yourself and starting again with different factors in place.

The journey to incorporating and maintaining healthy habits is a continuous process with long-term benefits. By understanding the power of habits, being consistent, overcoming challenges, and building a supportive community, you pave the way for a healthier, more fulfilling life. Embrace the journey, celebrate your victories, and savor the positive changes that come with the consistent practice of healthy habits. Your well-being is worth the effort.

Krissy Nevero is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach based in Sonoma, California. To learn more about Krissy and her services, please visit her website:

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